Are You Ready To Buy A Fripp Island Waterfront Property?

26 October 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Buying a home on Fripp Island gives you access to many of the activities you love. If you are new to buying waterfront property, there are some special considerations that should be taken into account before you decide on a home. To help you get started, here are some questions to ask. How Private Is the Property? Privacy is important to most people. With a waterfront property though, there could be limits on how much privacy you are afforded. Read More 

Are You Handy With A Lump Sum Of Money? Start Flipping Houses Today

19 October 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

If you have came into money and you want to get into the real estate business, and you know that you have the labor skills to put into fixing up a home, you want to meet with a real estate broker. You can talk with a real estate broker about finding some properties that are available at a low cost, but that will need some work to fix up. Since you can do the labor you will be able to save a lot when you fix up the property, and then you will profit when you sell or rent. Read More 

Dos & Don’ts of Using Flowers & Plants to Decorate Your House for Sale

10 October 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When your single family home goes on the sale market and interested buyers are starting to schedule times to see it, you want the interior and exterior of the residence to look their best. One way that you can make these areas stand out is with flowers and plants, which can instantly add a warm and inviting feel to your home. While a vase of freshly cut flowers on the dining room table can often be beneficial, there are several considerations to keep in mind before you take this step. Read More 

Determining Which Repairs To Perform Before Selling Your Home

6 October 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

 When it comes to putting your home up for sale, you may be considering doing a few repairs to help get it ready for the market. These repairs may be an additional expense, which means you'll want to determine which repairs are right for getting your home ready to sell. The following considerations can help you to determine which repairs to perform. Project Costs Major renovations and repairs can be expensive, so consider coming up with a budget to determine which repairs you can afford. Read More 

Considering A New House In A Flood Zone? Here Are 4 Ways To Make It Work Better

4 October 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Recent storms and flooding are still on the minds of many people looking to buy a home. And while there is no way to ensure complete safety from all natural flooding disasters, there are some ways to look at houses for sale with more confidence even in a wet or coastal area. Here are 4 tips for buying in an area with flooding potential: Do Your Research. Unfortunately, it's not always mandatory to tell buyers about flood risks in their particular area. Read More